
About Praying4Nigeria

Praying4Nigeria as the name implies, is an umbrella where like-minded people who believe in united Nigeria come together to pray for Nigeria in JESUS’ name. Without saying, there’s a general consensus that the country needs GOD’s intervention to steer her back onto a good and great path. We believe that with GOD, all things are possible (Luke 1: 37) and there is nothing beyond HIS control.

We, at Praying4Nigeria believe in one nation called Nigeria. We do understand there are many challenges that a multi tribal nation like Nigeria face. We therefore, choose to pray for unity in the midst of our diversity and call all that are willing to join us in 'praying4Nigeria' and that we all call on GOD to intervene in the affairs of our nation Nigeria especially at such a time as this. We pray for a new and glorious Nigeria, and we receive this in faith!.

With GOD (3)

What We Do


Pray (via Zoom)

We pray weekly (at the moment via Zoom) for Nigeria as there is power in prayer and GOD has promised to hear us (2 Chronicles 7:14) if you want to join us, then fill the contact form for details.


Invite others to pray

We encourage people to pray for Nigeria till we start seeing positive changes. To continue to pray  and to never cease praying even when things have turned around for good as  "what you pray to get, you pray to keep".

People discussing - Christina Morillo (Pexels) wt names

Impactful discussions

Impact our own generation and the future ones through inspirational discussions aimed to inspire changes in our national value systems through regular podcasts.

Million people
Ethnic groups
Local government

Encouraging Biblical Testimonies

Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the earth for three years and six months...

Praying hand Emoji
Elijah and the rain 1 Kings 17:1 & 18: 41-45

GOD sent Jonah to warn the people of Nineveh to change or be destroyed. The people of Nineveh and their king believed and took GOD's warning seriously. They cried mightily unto GOD hoping GOD will relent from destroying them. GOD relented as previously planned.

Bible by Aaron-burden unsplash
The city of Nineveh Jonah 3: 1-10

Peter was kept in prison, but prayer for him was being made fervently by the Church to GOD. On the very night when Herod was about to bring him out before the people (to kill like he killed James (v.2)?), the LORD led him out of the prison miraculously.

Image by J F from Pixabay
Peter freed  Acts 12: 5-17