About Us
4About us
Mk 1124 - 1
4About us

            About Us

Praying4Nigeria is a not-for-profit prayer group with the aim to pray for Nigeria, encourage others to join us to pray for Nigeria wherever they are and our aim is to also impact our generation and the ones to come with impactful discussions.

We have faith and believe that GOD will hear. We also believe we can put our faith to work with impactful discussions to make effective our prayers when we receive answers (James 2: 17-18, 21-22). For we know that if we continue to do things the same way, we will always get the same result. So, while we believe GOD will answer our prayers, we believe answered prayers can only be effective when we change our perspectives and ways of doing things where necessary and applicable. 

We at Praying4Nigeria are like-minded people who believe in Nigeria as one nation. We come together to pray for Nigeria in JESUS’ name, seek GOD’s intervention and pray to GOD to steer Nigeria back onto a good and great path. We believe that with GOD, all things are possible  insert a plaque of Lk. 1:37) and there is nothing beyond HIS control. 

We believe in one nation called Nigeria. We do understand there are many challenges that a multi tribal nation like Nigeria face. We therefore, choose to pray for unity in the midst of our diversity. 

We also pray and encourage others to pray for the continent of Africa and pray as issues arise needing prayers in each of the 54 countries that make up this continent. 

We believe in and also pray for where each of us live (our own individual Jerusalem) as admonished by GOD whether this be Ghana, South Africa, Canada and so on. 

We pray, LORD, let YOUR kingdom come, let YOUR will be done here on earth, in our lives, individual homes, in the areas where we live, our villages, towns, cities and countries; here on earth as it is in heaven, and we say amen! 

Join us in prayer!