
Praying4Nigeria's aim


We aim to pray regularly for Nigeria - as we believe there is power in prayer and GOD has promised HE will answer us (2 Chronicles 7:14)

Encourage people to pray

Our aim is to encourage people to join us in praying for this great nation Nigeria till we all start seeing positive changes that we all desire. And that we continue to pray even when things are changing for better and never cease to pray even when things are noticed to have positively change better 

Lk. 18,1 (1)
Is 1, 18 a
Cast care - 2a

Impactful discussion

Impact our generation and the future ones not only through prayer but also through discussions with the aim to inspire and see changes in our national value systems through our regular podcast

Be thankful 

At all times and in all things

1 Thes 5,17 a