Our Core Values

Praying4Nigeria's core values

 Without saying, praying is of central importance as praying is why Praying4Nigeria exists. This belief stems from our faith in GOD who answers prayer when we call on HIM in JESUS' name.

 Praying4Nigeria also believes that our nation's many values systems need to change as most things happening and the way things are in our nation, are as a result of so many of our values and systems that are rigid and have been almost impenetrable and definitely very slow to change for generations.

Re past & future

 In the words of James Rhinehart , "Our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we become". To become someone involves being purposeful in action. Hence our need to pray and act with purpose. 

Our Core values
Dream 1

Now, while praying is essential and a must, we also believe that many of our values systems need to be collectively looked into and this is where purposeful  action comes in. We aim to act through our discussion on various topics which are aimed to hopefully transform and change us all as individuals to do our part in changing our nation for better!

BGrahams quote on prayer