Prayer Points

Potential Prayer Points

Looking or thinking of what to pray for, for Nigeria? Here are some prayer points that can be used when ‘Praying4Nigeria’

Fear of dLORD 0

True fear of GOD

  • Grace to develop and practice true and genuine fear of GOD
  •  That we will truly and genuinely love GOD
  •  That we will honour GOD not only in words but with our actions too
  • That our love for GOD will show in the way we do things 
  • That we will treat people right as we fear GOD that made them
  • That we will talk to and address people with kindness, fairness and compassion. 

We all want and desire to be treated fairly. We should do to others as we want others to do to us

Deut. 6,5

Loving GOD, respecting life

  • The grace to remember that life is precious and should be treated as such
  • To treasure life, respect it and not discard life at the slightest of offense or treat other people's lives as less important than ours
  • Grace to cherish our and other people's lives
  • Pray against murderous spirits that target destroying children's lives in our nation
  • Pray against 'jungle justice' spirits that are robbing the nation of precious lives

Jer. 1v5

True love for our nation and each other

  • Pray for true and genuine love for our nation and people
  • That our business people will start to invest in the country and in the people by creating jobs and employing people.
  • Pray for integrity in our dealings with people everywhere
  • That we will start to trust and value each other.
  • That individuals will start to think, imbibe and challenge each other as JF Kennedy challenged the Americans “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country"

Jn 13.34

True independence - to love ourselves (country, language, each other etc) 

  • Pray for the spirit of integrity to rule in our nation
  • Pray against the spirit of corruption and corruption at every level of our society 
  • Pray against the spirit of religion that is killing Christians in Nigeria! We say enough is enough in JESUS' name, amen!
  • That GOD will touch those in authority to fulfil their vows and pledges to the citizens that elected them. 
  • For people in government to serve GOD through man 
  • To come against the spirit of lies and deceit 
  • Pray against the spirit of tribalism and nepotism
  •  That we love one another
Wrestle Eph 6.12 (0)


Ps 107.1

1 Tim 2, 1-2

Ps 122.6

Prayer against murderous and barbaric spirits that have invaded the land through:  

  • Human ritual and sacrifice
  • Killing of defenceless babies and children
  • Using human beings for all sorts of evil practices
  • Preventable accidents
  • Kidnapping, armed robbery and so on

Give thanks to GOD for HIS goodness 

  • Thank GOD for the gift of life
  • Thank GOD HIS mercy over our nation despite the challenges
  • Thank GOD for HIS protection over the nation and states
  • THANK GOD for HIS protection over our land
  • Thank  GOD for HIS protection over the air and sea
  • Thank GOD for our resilience
  • Thank GOD for fertile land
  • Thank GOD for HIS manifold blessings 

Prayer for our leaders 

  • The President and president’s office 
  • The Vice president and Vice President’s office 
  • The senate office (law makers) and the senators 
  •  The Ministers 
  • The Executive arms of the government (The Police, The Military, Airforce, The Naval officers, the Customs and Exercise, Road safety and so on) 
  • The judicial arm of the government 
  • All our states 
  •  The Governors and all the states governing bodies 
  • All the Permanent secretaries and all staff working in government (both federal and local) secretariats 
  • All government parastatals 

Rain down, you heavens, from above, And let the skies pour down righteousness (Isaiah 45:8a) on these officers and offices LORD, amen!

Prayer for Jerusalem and 'our own Jerusalem' 

  • We pray for the peace of GOD to reign in Jerusalem
  • We pray for the peace of GOD to reign in our own Jerusalem (Nigeria)
  • We pray for the peace of GOD wherever people see fit to call their Jerusalem
  • We pray for peace and the love of GOD to reign in the hearts of men, amen!